~Where was nigel when he got the part of sexy Dennis?~
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Well people I have the answer!!!

~He was asked the question by Parkison on saturday nite!!~




When Nigel Harman got the call to say that he'd landed a part in EastEnders, he was driving a Sainsbury's van around south London. "They said: 'You've got the job.' I was sitting there in my Sainsbury's fleece, with Mrs Bloggs's (he can't give her real name) groceries in the back, and I just laughed my arse off," says Harman. The first thing he did was take the van back to the depot. "I said, 'Right, I'm out of here'." He smacks his lips at the memory. His boss asked him to finish off the day, but Harman said "no chance", told him that he had a new job, and scarpered. Poor Mrs Bloggs. I hope she got her shopping in the end.











~www.nigelharman.freewebspace.com (c)~